Industrial and collaborative robots

Collaborative robots are used in two application scenarios: cooperation between the worker and the machine, where they share responsibilities within one task, and in their separate activities, with the person and the robot in the immediate vicinity. The most common roles of cobots are lifting, component handling, assembly, packaging and palletizing. The sizes and weights of the elements are important because the load capacity of typical collaborative robots is up to several kilograms. Additionally, the limited range and low speeds of movement make it impossible to use these machines. In all applications where the use of cobots is not possible due to their characteristics and above mentioned limitations. Alternatively, due to the limitations of cobots, our company offers industrial robots. We count the time of cycle, efficiency, ROI and many other indicators, and on their basis we select the appropriate model of robot. For many applications and industries, a typical industrial robot is statistically much more profitable during implementation and guarantees faster return on investment. The industrial robot is best suited for a cell that ensures the planned efficiency of the application and employee safety.

Our partner for both collaborative and industrial robots is Yaskawa.

Collaborative robots

Collaborative robots – i.e. cobots – are designed to work hand-in-hand with humans, often without the need to fence the stand with safety nets. This feature and the possibility of equipping with a number of tools and functions make cobots extremely effective and flexible tools. Adapting implementations across the entire spectrum of applications and for all industries allows you to maximize benefits and achieve a return on investment.

The main advantages of cobots:

Easy programming and quick implementation
Cobots can be activated by anyone, even without programming experience. Thanks to the user-friendly and easy-to-program interface, activating and setting the cobot arm in motion is quick and easy. On the other hand, the implementation time of a comprehensive robotic application or station using a cobot is shorter than the standard one, which is crucial in the process of introducing specific solutions.

Unlike industrial robots, most often permanently installed in a specific location and performing a single operation, cobot stations can be mobile. What is important, they can be easily moved around and used in other part of the production process.

Thanks to the use of cobots, we can relieve employees or free them from monotonous, repetitive or dangerous activities. As a result, we reduce the number of accidents or diseases. Additionally, employees can be assigned to tasks that are more creative, safer or with higher added value. For shoulder-to-shoulder work, the built-in force sensors automatically stop the cobot’s operation when it encounters an obstacle.

We implement and integrate cobots according to the client’s individual needs and production tasks. Using collaborative robots, we deliver ready robotic stations of various levels of advancement.
In particular, we specialize in the automation and robotization of production tasks such as carrying, feeding, lifting, placing and picking. These are activities related to the broadly understood preparation and packaging of the product as well as palletization and depalletization of various types of individual and collective packaging.

We are specialists in creating efficient and ergonomic palletizing systems, designed in accordance with the current and future requirements of our customers.
We offer different solutions in terms of size, lifting capacity and throughput, as well as the selection of grippers used in them. Due to the modular structure, expansion and retrofitting of the station with new devices is possible at any time.


Szybki zwrot z inwestycji i dążenie do zmniejszania kosztów końcowych produkcji na liniach o niskich prędkościach są coraz bardziej powszechne. Jest to możliwe dzięki zastąpieniu ręcznej paletyzacji kompaktowymi i przyjaznymi dla użytkownika cobotycznymi paletyzatorami. Jeszcze do niedawna istotnym ograniczeniem dla tego typu rozwiązań był udźwig i zasięg cobotów, dlatego poszerzyliśmy naszą ofertę o nowe stacje paletyzacji Cobopal Y w oparciu o roboty współpracujące firmy Yaskawa. Umożliwia to przenoszenie i układanie opakowań zbiorczych o ciężarze do 18 kg, przy bardzo dużym zasięgu wynoszącym 1700 mm oraz z możliwością ułożenia palety do wysokości 1900 m bez potrzeby stosowania elewacyjnej kolumny teleskopowej. Ograniczając prędkość do 6 cykli na minutę, cobot paletyzujący nadal pozwala na swobodną i bezpieczną interakcję między operatorami a urządzeniem. W zależności od wyboru wersji opartej na platformie automatyki przemysłowej PC i PLC, czy standardowym intuicyjnym interfejsie tabletowym HMI, każde rozwiązanie gwarantuje wysoką niezawodność maszyny, szybkie ponowne wznawianie pracy, łatwe tworzenie nowych wzorów warstw i palet oraz przyjazną dla użytkownika obsługę.

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